Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Book Review~Ragtag

Here is the first of many of my Friday Book Reviews! I hope you enjoy them!

Written by: Karl Wolf-Morgenlander

Ragtag is a little swallow, and there's nothing he loves more than sailing through the skies of Boston. The city is Ragtag's home and he loves it, but everything changes when the birds of the city, are attacked by the Talon Empire. The vicious raptors were forced out of their woodland home by humans, so now they are intent on taking Boston for themselves. The city birds know that they are no match for the Talon Empire, they are much bigger and stronger than they are. Even Ragtag, knows that he isn't of any help, everyone tells him that he is too lazy, too slow, and too young. Though, Ragtag loves his home, and is willing to protect it--even if he has to risk his own life. Ragtag has a kind of strength, that may be more powerful than the Talon Empire.

This story is full of adventure! It is a new book, published in 2009, and when I saw it on the New Books shelf at our library I just had to read it! It makes the book very interesting being about birds! This book does have some violence in it, though. I recommend this book to boys and girls 10 and up.

Happy Reading,


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